Configuring it all was a pain... (the phone not so much but still) android now forces you to have the "Android Studio" to have the SDK etc, and for some reason gives you the lastest build tools even when some engines and devices need the old ones and doesn't tell you.
Finally thanks to the error log on game maker I finally found the issue but finding the way to fix it was hard, but now that all is solved I'm testing shitty apps to know how the android devices behave.
Having different display sizes is an issue that Game Maker doesn't make it too easy to solve, the game will scale the image but the "virtual_key_add();" function will depend on the total screen coordinates not the room/view ones so when the device scales the game the coordinates remain the same making the buttons too tiny or too big.
So, I solved it using the "display_get_width();" and "display_get_height(); " function, then doesn't matter the size of the device the touch controls will work using variables linked to that screen size.
Here is an example, using some testing for the next game I plan to make (the art is not final):
The right half of the screen is the jump button, the upper left half is go up a lane and the lower left half is go down a lane.